Real Truth About 5G


The lightning-fast network technology that the world has been talking about.

There are 5 brand new technologies emerging as a foundation of 5G 

  • Millimeter waves

  • Small cells 

  • Massive MIMO

  • Beamforming

  • Full duplex


                                This next-generation wireless tech has caused a lot of intrigues.

What's all the fuss about 5G?

The biggest difference between 4G and 5G is speed. 

4G can get up to an absolute maximum of about one 1 gigabit per second, Mostly we tend to experience 4G going up to about 20 or 30 megabits per second.

If you're right now, getting 20 megabits per second speed's. You could look forward to 400 megabits per second speeds with 5G, so it's dramatically faster.

An efficiency point of view, this makes network infrastructure far more effective and efficient because you can connect more devices at higher speed s at the same time.

Benefits of 5G


The theoretical maximum speed would be 20 gigabits per second which are 20 times faster than google fiber. The more people who are able to work remotely, the less drain there is on resources naturals well as physical.

Reduce latency 

The real benefit that is expected in terms of specific industries is reduced latency.

5G solves the problem of latency which is the delay between commands and responses from the server. 

5G which as 50 times faster response time than 4G, this is particularly important not in smartphones but in connected machinery like self-driving cars, health fields where a doctor can perform realtime, etc.

Economic impact

Then the specific industries and specific segments will also benefit enormously, for Example E-commerce. 

5G is the foundation of Virtual reality, Augmented reality, Autonomous driving, the Internet of things, and the stuff we can't imagine 



The big disadvantages are that you need more towers, you can't be as you are with 4G and 3G and the reason for that is that the frequency that is used in the ratio spectrum requires a closer agglomeration of towers in order to get full coverage that makes it more expensive to roll out 5G.

Need massive investment existing infrastructure you can't rip out 4G in fracture and put in 5G.

Environmental impact 

There are studies that show that there is a significant impact done by millimeter waves on the health of birds and animals and it also talks about the ecological imbalance that 5G will bring.

Effect on our health

Typically, those radio waves which have a frequency around 70 million  gear Hertz or more are called ionizing radiation, Ionization radiation have the power for knocking of electrons from the human body thus causing DNA damage and eventually leading to cancer

The waves that are going to be used for 5G have near 60 gigahertz which would mean that it is a million times less powerful than ionizing radiation.  

Will 5G affect our health?     ⇒     The true answer is we don't yet now...


The Secret Behind 5G Technology

Game Changer in the defense system

  • 5G system will play an essential role in the use of Hypersonic Missiles
  • Important for secret service and special force.
  • Lower latency and heigh capacity will enable armies to share more data like a real-time map, photos, etc.
  • Pain without injury: - [Riot countrolMillimeter waves are utilized by the army in crowd dispersal guns called the Active denial system.

"Active denial system" deters attackers by sending a non-lethal millimeter-wave of electromagnetic energy, causing a burning sensationwave penetrates the skin to 1/64 of an inch, causing a feeling similar to being on fire.Transmitter produces 95GHZ frequency waves.

It goes on all over the world and it's a weapon that you don't know you're being targeted because the dose is very low which actually more dangerous than a high dose. It takes one or two years you can cause neurological damage and cancers with low-level microwaves and you can make all your opponents sick. It is a perfect weapon for the government.

Autism disorder

Long-term radiation on young people or adults a considerable amount of research shows that developing brains and bodies of children are much more affected than adults and there are clear indications of a link between increased electromagnetic fields and autism spectrum disorders.
Some countries have banned wifi in nursery schools and put warnings out for regular schools, warning signs where they put wifi transmitters.
Four top diseases that kill children or young adults are Brain tumors, Thyroid cancer, Testis cancer, Rectal cancer.

Future projects depend on 5g network

The major future project depends on 5G are

1.Surveillance facial recognition

2.Neuralink Brain Chip

3. RFID Human Tracking

Question: Why there are no problems in countries that use the 5G network now?

Mega spectrum auction likely to net only for 4G gigahertz show 5G network wave will be below 4 gigahertz show 5G network wave will be below 4gigahertz (That is not exact 5G it is 4.5G) 
Multinational companies will strat introducing 5G oriented devices and we will get many IoT devices. After days roll on they will start to increase the frequency level, when he goes on increasing and when the millimeter-wave reaches its high humans will get affected.

Radiofrequency radiation touches our body for 9 hours a day. If this radiation attacks for two years, people will get a different type of cancer for which there is no cure yet. But we are going to use a 5G network which passes is radiation every second.we are going to have these 5G boxes for 24 hours, they will greatly affect our bodies.

After reading this, if you say that you have insurance and you will claim it. The big insurance companies have changed their conditions from last year

Whether insurance companies help us in any way?

Insurance companies will not give insurance for diseases that will be affected by 5G or radiofrequency radiation.

Example: Lloyd's Insurence in London refuse to cover 5G wifi illness, as they know what is going to happen.people over many countries are going to struggle.

Is 5g necessary? Post your commands ⤵️  

REFERENCE  --Documentary Report


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