RFID Human Tracking

What is RFID? 

RFID stands for Radio Frequency Identification, it consisting of a transmitter and receiver. This technology is used to identifying the object or tracking the objects. Using this RFID chip we can track multiple objects at the same time.


Future with Microchipping

  • The implanted chip is as big as a rice grain it is injected through a syringe in the fleshy area between the thumb and forefinger.
  • This process takes only a few seconds and is not painful.

RFID Implantation

How does it work?

  • The implemented chip contains your personal information.
  • This chip is passive, which means they contain information that other devices can read but the chips cannot read information themselves so when the implant comes within the centimeters of a reader's range a device which can read the chip data a small amount flow between the two devices by electromagnetic waves.


A chip implanted in the body might serve as a combination of credit card, passport, Driving license, Educational details, etc. 

Benefits of implantation

An implanted RFID chip can be used to quickly gain access to your medical history in an emergency situation.

You will able to automatically control many of your devices.

The problem with wallets and credit cards we can lose them or they can get stolen. An implanted RFID chip is impossible to lose or steal

In institutions RFID's Can assist maintaining the proper attendance of worker and children, It can enter the walk in and walk out the time of them accurately

It also safeguards our belongings and properties.

These chips can also implant our pets which helps to locate them if they lost.

The major purpose implanting it on humans is for data sharing, chips in our body we can access our car without keys, paying the bill without swiping cards, track people without access to GPS, etc 

The above mentioned are futuristic development of the technology.

Consequences of Human Microchip Implantation

These chip they don't always stay in there place sometimes it makes it hard to find, This would be particularly problematic in medical emergencies.

During the MIR scanner patient can't take any metal including microchips.

A microchip may take away our freedom of choice.

They raise critical issues of personal privacy.

If you refuse the implant RFID chip, You don't exist and can not be a citizen

Would you go for a chip implant?  

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  1. It is easy to hack as our body will become the password and not the brain. Sometimes its hard to predict.


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